Music & Choir
Whether singing from the pew, singing or playing in a group or supporting music financially, we believe all have a place in the St. Thomas Music Program. Here are a few ways to get involved:
St. Thomas Choir – composed of 15-20 adults who sing weekly for the 9:30 service. We rehearse Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. A friendly bunch. Come sing with us!
Handbell Choir – about 9 ringers and a three-octave set of Malmark handbells. We ring in church about once per month for in-person and virtual services.
St. Thomas Chorister Program – for children aged 5-18. We use world-class techniques for teaching singing, liturgy, and leadership.
St. Thomas Music Fund – has brought a new set of handbells and many musicians to St. Thomas. Please consider making a donation today.
Contact : Joel Bejot, Director of Music | [email protected]
Worship Committee
Assesses the worship services and space at St. Thomas with the goal of deepening the worship experience for all; assists with planning.
Contact: The Rev. Jonah Kendall | 208-726-5349 ext. 11
Worship Volunteers
Altar Guild – Members of Altar Guild work “behind the scenes” to prepare the altar for all services, thus helping to provide a meaningful worship experience for all. The time commitment is usually one Sunday every month and a half.
Contact: Mark Malkmus 208-622-3949
Acolytes – Assists the celebrant at the altar before, during and after the service; lights the candles, carries the cross in processions. Training available.
Contact: The Rev. Kathleen Bean | [email protected]
Eucharistic Ministers – Assists the Celebrant in administering Holy Communion; training available.
Contact: Ann Taylor 208-720-1253
Flower Guild – Arranges flowers for Sunday services and some special occasions. The designated Flower Fund pays for all flowers – thanks to parishioners’ generous donations.
Contact: Betsy Ashton 208-309-5092
Lectors – During public worships reads the lessons, the psalm, or the intercessions; training required and available.
Contact: Claudia McCain 208-726-5740
Ushers – At worship service greet and welcome visitor; collect offerings; hand out service booklets; help with nametags.
Contact: Robert Shuford 404-293-0237