“All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee.”
(1 Chronicles 29:14)
In a very practical way, the future of St.Thomas is sustained by Planned Giving — the intentional sharing of wealth we have accumulated throughout our lifetimes. By designating a gift to St. Thomas in our estate plans, we make a profound statement that our commitment to St. Thomas was a significant priority during our lifetime – so significant that we want to make sure that others in the future can enjoy the things that we love about St. Thomas. All those to whom St. Thomas has been a meaningful part of their lives are warmly invited to make a planned gift to The Parish of St. Thomas. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated.
Estate Plans
If you have already included St. Thomas in your estate plans, please let us know either by contacting our parish administrator or filling out the Legacy Society Membership form, and we will add your name to our annual list of Legacy Society Members. Please note that all information supplied is confidential.
Legacy Society Members
For those already in the Legacy Society, have you updated your estate plans? If so, please let the parish administrator know or update your information on the Legacy Society Membership form.
Planned Giving & the Endowment Fund
The Legacy Society was established with the objective of growing the St. Thomas Endowment Fund, and recognizes those who have made St. Thomas a part of their personal legacy by including a gift to the Parish in their will or estate plan. The Endowment was established to provide parishioners with a means to make gifts which help sustain the long-term health and ministries of the congregation. The Endowment Fund is invested in a blend of equity and fixed income securities in accordance with the written investment policy adopted by the Vestry. A distribution is made each year from the Endowment Fund to the Operating Fund to help cover church expenses including outreach programs. The existence of the Endowment Fund also provides a sense of stability for St Thomas during times of change and uncertainty such as what we have recently experienced from the coronavirus pandemic.