All Saints and All Souls Day Observances
November begins with two important feast days in the Church. On All Saints Day we celebrate the saints of God throughout the ages, and the everlasting life we have in Christ. This observance includes a remembrance of those who have died in the past year by reading their names aloud during the service. Our celebration of All Saints will take place on Sunday, November 6th when we welcome Bishop Jos for his first episcopal visit to St. Thomas.
If you would like to have the name of a loved one read aloud during the service on All Saints Day, whether someone who has died in the past twelve months or who is especially on your heart, please click on the link below to send name(s) electronically, or call the church office. We will also have cards available to fill out in the narthex.
All Souls Day falls on November 3 and our Anglican tradition upholds it as a quiet observance, a day to remember those people whom we have lost, whose memory we cherish and honor. In that spirit the Church will be open from 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. for private prayer. Come in, light a candle in memory of a loved one, and sit in silence and peace for as long as you wish.