Children, Youth & Family Ministry
“Equipping young people for lives of value, faith, and meaning.” ~ St. Thomas Core Value

Interested in registering for Sunday School or Youth Group?
Fill out the form below for each child:
Sunday School / September- May
Children and youth gather at the Wooden Cross in the Narthex prior to the 9:30 a.m. service.
Sunday School students return for Communion.
Godly Play (4 yrs. old-2nd grade)
Montessori based curriculum, by Jerome W. Berryman. Children explore the stories of the Bible and the Saints with beautiful Godly Play materials.
Building Faith Brick by Brick (3rd-5th grade)
An Imaginative Way to Explore the Bible using Lego, by Emily Slichter Given.
Youth Group / September-May
- Weekly Sunday School
- Monthly Community Servic
- Fellowship Always!
Youth Acolytes
Join other mighty and faithful young people in the “Fire & Bell Gang”, open to ages 5th grade and up.
Teen Confirmation Classes
Classes are schedule yearly based on the Bishop of Idaho’s visitation schedule. It is co-lead by the Rector and Associate Rector.
Sharing Eucharist Sunday / September-May
Four times each school year, children, youth and families are invited to sit in front pews and/or serve roles (acolytes, lectors, greeter etc.).
Rites of Passage / Honor High School Seniors
Each May on Mother’s Day, St. Thomas honors children and youth in their faith formation process with special liturgy, blessings, and gifts. We also honor graduating high school seniors by reading their bios, future aspirations, blessings, and gifts.
SUMMERTIME! / June-August
Grand Days of Summer
9 Weeks of special Sunday School led by the “Grands” of our parish. The senior parishioners will be passing on their treasured gifts and talents to our children during an intergenerational Sunday School focused on relationship and vocation.
Family Ministry Highlights
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Talent Show
TGiF2 Services (Thank Goodness It’s Friday Family Service)
Kids Night Out
Church Sleepover
Wagon Days Parade Chairs & Chili
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday School/Youth Group Registration Carnival & Hot Dog Cart
St. Nicholas Visits
Potluck Dinners
Collaborative Art Projects
Way of the Cross Stations (interactive)
Ketchum Community Dinner Service Opportunities (October-May)