Disaster Preparedness
Contact Connie Hoffman 208-725-5522
Investment and Finance
Oversees the investment of our endowments and outreach funds.
Contact: Roger Gould 208-726-5811
Stewardship Committee
This committee works with the Vestry to assure budgetary needs are met. It also educates the parish members about church financial needs and about the sharing of time, talent and treasure as a way of Christian life.
Training: none required
Commitment: Several meetings in the fall to design and implement the Annual Giving Campaign
Contact: Janet Schaumburg 713-516-3932
Vestry and Wardens
Elected the worship services and space at St. Thomas with the goal of deepening the worship experience for all; assists with planning.
Contact: The Rev. Jonah Kendall 208-726-5349 ext. 11