
The Hospitality Committee is a fellowship ministry to welcome new members, visiting clergy and our members by hosting social events like the Annual Picnic, special coffee hours and visits by the Bishop.

Training: Open to all, but cooking, baking and friendliness are especially welcome. Non-cooks can participate by helping set-up for events, cleaning and brainstorming for future events.

Contact: Dell-Ann Benson 631-421-4313 & Janet Schaumburg 713-516-3932

Paper Angels

Help in the church office answering phones, collating bulletins, preparing mailings and a myriad of other office tasks.

Contact: Judi Fuller 208-726-5349 ext. 24

Men’s Coffee

Men’s weekly coffee at Starbucks is underway! Join Jonah and other men from the parish for conversation, fellowship and a light-hearted opportunity to “solve the problems of the world” every Tuesday at 9 am.

Women’s Wisdom Walks

Women’s Wisdom Walks leave the Sun Valley Post Office every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., returning at 10:00. Bring your houseguests and enjoy great conversations while you get your steps in!

NAGS (No Agenda Group)

A fellowship group for the Men at St. Thomas. Outings are planned once
a month to get to know each other better. No agenda – simply to gather
and join each other in fellowship.
Contacts: Robert Shuford, 404-293-2742